Romantic Suspense Novels with International Settings

Try these books if you're looking for:
  • Romance
  • Suspense
  • International Setting
  • Mystery
By A.S. Byatt
"Literary critics make natural detectives," says Maud Bailey, heroine of a mystery where the clues lurk in university libraries, old letters, and dusty journals. Together with Roland Mitchell, a fellow academic and accidental sleuth, Maud discovers a love affair between two Victorian writers. At first, the discovery threatens only to alter the direction of their research, but as they unearth the truth about the long-forgotten romance, their involvement becomes increasingly urgent and personal

By Daphne Du Maurier
A classic novel of romantic suspense finds the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter entering the home of her mysterious and enigmatic new husband and learning the story of the house's first mistress, to whom the sinister housekeeper is unnaturally devoted.

By Ross King
Hired to restore a once-magnificent library that had been ravaged during the English Civil War, London bookseller Isaac Inchbold leaves 1660s London to journey to a remote country estate, only to become embroiled in the search for a missing manuscript and a dark conspiracy of spies, smugglers, secret codes, and forgery.

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