Teen Romantic Fantasy

Try these books if you're looking for:
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Teen books
  • Female characters
  • Magical creatures
A Well-Timed Enchantment
By Vivan Vande Velde
It's bad enough that Deanna has to waste her summer in France and her only friend is a mangy black cat, but now she's staring into a well, trying to figure out what to wish for. Before she can make a wish, the cat scratches her, her watch falls into the well, and then . . . so has she! Except that now she's in medieval France, the cat is a handsome young man, and her watch has the power to completely change history.
Book of a Thousand Days
By Shannon Hale
Fifteen-year-old Dashti, sworn to obey her sixteen-year-old mistress, the Lady Saren, shares Saren's years of punishment locked in a tower, then brings her safely to the lands of her true love, where both must hide who they are as they work as kitchen maids.

So You Want to Be a Wizard
By Diane Duane
Two lonely kids are inadvertently caught up in the never-ending battle between good and evil. The problems of everyday adolescent life and the mysteries of magic are perfectly blended, along with plenty of humor and suspense. (This doesn’t have romance but definitely has humor and magic!)

Keturah and Lord Death
By Martine Leavitt
YA F Leavitt
When Keturah, a notable storyteller in her village, gets lost in the woods, she encounters Lord Death. Although he is ready to take her, she charms him with a story and he grants her twenty-four hours to find her true love.

Sorcery and Cecelia, or the Enchanted Chocolate Pot
By Patricia Wrede
YA F Wrede
In 1817 in England, two young cousins, Cecilia living in the country and Kate in London, write letters to keep each other informed of their exploits, which take a sinister turn when they find themselves confronted by evil wizards.

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